Up to a few years ago, the Xenos lived happily on their world, eating, playing and singing on rhythm at the omnipresent music, gift of the Divine god of music.
One day, an alien planet crashed violently against the Xenos' world, causing a big explosion. From this big bang, a new world was born, unhospitable and void of any music.
The Xenos are now alone and scared, surrounded by strange obstacles and hungry monsters, unable to act without music! You, the Divine, cannot bear all of this and you have decided to help the little aliens find a new home.
The game is controlled entirely with the instrument positioned in the lower part of the screen, called Xenophone. Thanks to the notes you will play on this instrument, you will be able to act on the world.
The creatures from your world are all profundly influenced by music and, above all of them, the small Xenos.
Following the notes you will play, they will move, act, push... anything they need to surpass the obstacles they'll meet in order to reach the big stone head and get to safety! In the meantime, the Xenos will sing with you and the music in the world will be recreated once again!
Not only the Xenos live in this new world. The monsters hide in many areas and they too are attuned to music. By making use of their skills you can lend an additional hand to the Xenos.